New Chapter Advisor - MDC Brian Waldrop
June 16, 2023
We are excited to introduce Brian Waldrop as our new Chapter Advisor. Brian was just promoted to his new well-deserved MDC Volunteer Engagement Specialist position. In his new role, Brian will be working with Missouri Master Naturalist and Missouri Stream Team programs in the St. Louis and Southeast regions. Brian served the last 10 years as the Stream Team Assistant in St. Louis and many more years than that as a Stream Team volunteer. Join us in welcoming Brian into his new role!
About Brian
Brian holds a B.S. in Biology from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, with an emphasis in entomology and ecology, and is currently working on a Master’s degree in aquatic entomology and community ecology from the University of Guyana. Brian’s journey with MDC’s volunteer programs begun as a volunteer, leading of one of the most active Stream Teams in the St. Louis Region. In 2013, Brian set his eyes on becoming an employee for the Stream Team Program to share his love of nature and facilitate stream stewardship beyond his local community. Since 2013 Brian has served as an hourly Stream Team Assistant. For many of these years he served both the Southeast and St. Louis regions. In recent years, his duties have been focused on the St. Louis Region. Brian is excellent at engaging diverse groups of Missourians – from toddlers to retirees, from those who are nature novices to seasoned volunteers, from teachers to business professionals, from those residing in rural Missouri to the inner city.