Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Missouri Master Naturalist Program?
The Missouri Master Naturalist Program is a natural resources educational and volunteer service program designed for adult learners who are interested in increasing their knowledge, supporting conservation, and conducting volunteer service within their community. Upon completion of a 40-hour initial core training course, participants go on to provide volunteer service within their community. A continuing commitment to advanced training and volunteer service is expected each year in order for a volunteer to maintain certification.
Who sponsors the Missouri Master Naturalist program?
At the state level, the Missouri Master Naturalist program is sponsored jointly by the University of Missouri Extension (MU Extension) and the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC). Partnerships at the local level are encouraged and may include other public agencies, as well as private organizations whose interests are within the boundaries of the program.
How do I become a Missouri Master Naturalist?
Missouri Master Naturalists are trained and certified by the regional chapter and program sponsors. Upon joining the Program, Missouri Master Naturalist intern volunteers complete a minimum of 40 hours of initial core training designed to provide them with a foundation of natural resource knowledge and a skill set for conservation volunteer service.
For a peek at the content of some of the initial core training sessions, read the personal reflections of the trainees
in the Naturalists’ Journal - Initial Training section here.
How do I register for initial core training?
Click here to learn more about the program and sign up for training in the St. Louis Region:
Initial Certification:
What are the initial requirements to become certified?
To become a certified Missouri Master Naturalist, intern volunteers must complete 40 hours of initial volunteer service and 8 hours of initial advanced training. This requirement is expected to be completed within the first year. To remain in the program, this requirement must be completed within twenty-seven consecutive months from the first training session.
Annual Recertification:
Do I need to complete 40 hours of volunteer service and 8 hours of advanced training each year?
Yes, every year after initial certification each member needs to recertify their membership by completing a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service and a minimum 8 hours of advanced training. Recertified volunteers also pay annual chapter dues and complete yearly Code-of-Conduct agreements. Recertified volunteers earn the limited-edition pin that is available for that year.
If I am an active member, but was not able to recertify for a given year, am I still considered a Missouri Master Naturalist?
Volunteers who are active but unable to recertify in a given year are still considered Missouri Master Naturalists, but they won’t be considered certified or receive the limited-edition pin for that year. Every Missouri Master Naturalist, certified or not, has the opportunity to recertify every year.
Can a member become inactive? Can an inactive member become active again?
Members can choose to go inactive at any time, as well as become active again at any time and resume their recertification efforts.
Volunteer Service Projects and Advanced Training Opportunities
How and where can I volunteer?
Volunteers may participate on a variety of approved projects related to participatory science (citizen science, community science, volunteer monitoring), environmental stewardship, natural resource education and interpretation, and program support. Many of these projects are hosted by local organizations and chapter partners.
Advanced training opportunities are provided throughout the year and are focused on subject-matter that is approved by the local Chapter.
What local organizations form partnerships with the Missouri Master Naturalist-Great Rivers Chapter?
Local partner organizations that share the mission and goals of the program help shape the path for volunteers to meet the educational and volunteer service needs within the local community. Local partner organizations can host volunteer service projects and programs, sponsor advanced training programs, and help the Chapter build a corps of trained and skilled volunteers ready to participate.
See the current list of Great Rivers local partner organizations here: Partners
Chapter Membership
Where are the St. Louis Region chapters located?
The Great Rivers Chapter is located in St. Louis City and St. Louis County area.
The Confluence Chapter is located in St. Charles County area.
The Miramiguoa Chapter is located in Franklin County area
How do I know which chapter to join? Can I change Chapters?
As a Missouri Master Naturalist intern and certified member, you may choose to join any Chapter that suits your interest. Your selection is not limited to where you reside.
Can I be a member of more than one Chapter?
No, a member-in-good-standing is an active participant that records service time and pays dues in one Chapter. However, you are welcome to attend monthly meetings, service projects, and advanced training opportunities approved by any Chapter. You may also decide to change Chapters at a later time.
When and where does my Chapter hold its monthly meeting?
The Chapter meetings are posted on the chapter website “Calendar”. More details are provided in the “Members Area” (member login required). The location, time, and agenda for meetings are also posted to all members via email. The agendas and minutes for previous meetings can also be accessed in the Members Area.
Is there a fee involved to join a Chapter?
Dues are collected for each chapter on a yearly basis. The dues are $10/year and need to be sent to the Treasurer in January for that year.
Can a member be removed from the program?
In all efforts, the Missouri Master Naturalist program must remain fair, objective, accurate and comprehensive. When it becomes obvious that an individual or group of individuals participating in any capacity of the program is misrepresenting the program and its written objectives, then that individual or group of individuals may be asked to step down from positions of leadership or participation in the program. The Missouri Master Naturalist program also has provision to dissolve a chapter charter in such cases.
Any participant who suspects an individual (volunteer, advisor, etc.) is acting in a contrary manner to the program’s tenets, policies, written rules, or guidelines should contact their chapter advisor or the state program coordinator.